Five Prominent Social Networking Websites for Business Promotion

If you have heard about the Egyptian revolution of 2011 then it is not difficult for you to understand the significance of social media websites. The idea started to be spread through a Facebook page and it came to the roads. It is a known fact today the social media websites have become the major tools to spread the ideas among the masses.

Interestingly, it has benefitted the business also. The social media websites have become the major tools to promote the products, services or the brand names. A number of social media websites are active today, among which five are the prominent ones.

Facebook: Facebook is a prominent name, which is used by millions of users all over the world to stay in touch with friends and family, and to search the old friends. It is widely being used for the business purpose also. You have the options to make your business pages over websites, which are the major platforms on the website to tell the people about your business, products or services. Links, images, videos and written text are posted over these pages about various aspects of your enterprises. These posts are further shared by the Facebook users, pages and groups. Another popular service being offered by Facebook is groups. The groups can also be made of the businesses for sharing the business posts. You can also post the useful information about your products or services in the groups of others. Besides, company’s owner or some representative can share different things over his or her personal profile also.

Twitter: Twitter is meant for the small posts of 140 characters known as tweets. Images can also be uploaded with text in the tweets. The post can be shared by others, which is known as retweeting in the terminology of Twitter. Twitter is also popular for sharing the links of the products or some related information.

Google+: Google+ is the product of Google. It is very much similar to Facebook. You can share the posts on Google+. You can also make the pages or groups of Google+. All the procedures are very much identical to those of Facebook.

LinkedIn: LinkedIn is meant for the professional profiles, and it is also being used by several business units for promotional purpose.  LinkedIn offers the services to make the business pages and groups.

Instagram: Instagram is an entirely different type of social networking site. It is used via the mobile phone app. The id can be logged in at the computer also, but you can use the limited features. In this, the users upload the pictures from the mobile app along with the written text. These pictures and text are the excellent sources of marketing.

All these sites have become very popular in the corporate world today. The promotion by adding hash tags (#) makes your post visible to a number of people. When you add # to a popular word, it becomes a link. All the posts with that hash tag are displayed when the link is clicked. When someone clicks on the hash tag from the post of someone else or searches that word, your post is displayed. The hash tag does not work in LinkedIn but it works in all other above mentioned social networking websites.


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